Project Details

Happyair: Happyair mobile health Integrated care

by Shane Fitch

Self-care support for patients who want to lead happier lives with more confidence and healthcare professionals who need patients who adhere to their personal care plans
Madrid, Spain Managed Care
Team Company Patients Physicians Hospital Innovation Details Supporters Comments Updates

About our project

The problem we solve: We are bringing solutions to patients with chronic respiratory disease. Third leading cause of death worldwide and rising.

About our solution: We are working on a low-cost solution and training educators to guide patients in their daily care regime. healthcare professionals can check on their patient progress.

Progress to date:

We have already tested the care model in its beta version in a clinical study. The model has been validated in 3 leading hospitals in Madrid.Here is a brief resumee of our progress. We have presented this at the ERS Congress in 2017.

Here is a clip indicating the relationship between the educator and the patient.

About Our Team

Creator: Shane Fitch

Bio: I have worked for 18 years with patient organizations in rare and prevalent disease and continue to work globally . I have been on the Board of the Alpha-1 Foundation, Florida USA as well as working on global strategy for COPD Foundation, USA. We are specifically working on patient empowerment: developing resources and spaces in our Happyair initiative, for better understanding of digital health, self-management in integrated care ; training + engagement with healthcare professionals on the patient journey

Hospital Affiliation: Not for Profit Foundation

Title: President

Advanced Degree(s): Msc

About Our Company

Lovexair Foundation

Location: Paseo de las Delicias, 30
Madrid 28045

Founded: 2010


Product Stage: Prototype/MVP

YTD Sales: Less than $250,000

Employees: 5-10

How We Help Patients

This solution has been tested with patients during a year. They told us that they liked having a care provider guide them, explain their disease and care plan better, the program builds their confidence and helps them to keep on track and feel they have someone they can turn to when they have concerns, doubts or need to discuss problems.

How We Help Physicians

Their patients are managed daily. They can check directly on alerts if anomolies arise in patients daily lung-care regime or be consulted. Their intervention is minimum and communication is left to the educator for the day to day care so this unburdens the physician. Patients are better informed and they can discuss their progress or difficulties with documented evidence.

How We Help Hospitals

Improves patient adherence. Educates patients in not overusing or using unnecessarily healthcare service resources.Reduces the burden : time and costs of chronic-care patients but keeps the information available to assigned team

Innovation Details

Intellectual Property Summary

Our tradename has been filed for Spain and is registered. We are in the second phase of development and hold the intellectual property for the clinical platform admin and  the web-based app II

Clinical Information

We have demonstrated high levels of adherence and very positive perception in our clinical study.

Regulatory Status

We will present this second phase development through new remote care model applications as and when the opportunity becomes available. HIMSS is probably the governing body which will manage these applications in the future. The FDA is already advancing in this area.

How we will use the funds raised

This funding will pay for the second-stage development, training educators and piloting the care model in Spain and in other countries. The second-stage model is available in English/Spanish. We have interest in Latin America and Asia as well as Europe and hopefully USA as the service complies with reimbursement for out of hospital management and prevention in chronic care.

Thank You

The aim of this project was to bring low cost solutions to chronic-care sufferers in the disease which is neglected across the world and growing in high impact on healthcare services, productivity and an ageing population. We are also creating much needed employment in changing healthcare delivery. The model works in its basic form. This network of connected and empowered patients will markedly improve our capabilities to develop new interventions,develop understanding on the value of research and patient participation in an ethical environment. We offer the opportunity to develop co-financed service with multi-stakeholder engagement. Communication is a vital key to improve our advocacy respecting all participants needs.


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€ 50,000 goal

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