About our project

It’s easy to fall in love, but sometimes — it’s hard to keep the love.

Love is a journey. And we’re the GPS.


Couplewise addresses the basic human need to keep and grow lasting love, not just find it. Trends show that nearly 50% of marriages will end in divorce.

Relationship stress causes higher rates of heart disease, weakens our immune systems, increases chances of various cancers, and slows down hospital recovery rates. Children of divorced parents are twice as likely to suffer the pain of divorce. And relationship stress costs businesses tens of billions/year.

The existing paradigm of couplecare does not work: Only 5% of unhappy couples are financially able and willing to seek professional help. Most couples site cost (80%), privacy, and logistics as their primary barriers, to getting the help they need (Roper). Couplewise removes those barriers and puts the power to revitalize your relationship right at your finger tips.

Couplewise uses the web to help solve these concerns by empowering couples at any state of their development and satisfaction level with the proven science-based tools, skills, and insights they need to strengthen their relationship.

Couplewise is game-changing science-based nurturing for couples, and we believe will be the future of couplecare. With your help, we can pioneer a new powerful way to help couples, regardless of income class, realize the love they need and deserve.

Strengthening One’s Committed Relationship Is As Important to Your Health as Diet and Exercise:

We’ve identified over 60 separate studies that demonstrate the strong causal relationship between couple satisfaction and physical health. It’s clear that stress caused by poor relationship health can lead to a myriad physical health concerns. (see studies below)

So if you’ve made a New Years resolution to improve your physical health, consider making a resolution to improve your committed “relationship health” too.

(And even if you think your relationship is fine, Couplewise is for you: “All Relationships can be better™”)


The 8 Benefits to Couples:

• Significantly reduces rates of coronary disease, stress related forms of cancer, depression, and other major illnesses; decreases surgery recovery time. (see evidence below)

• Taps the wisdom and therapeutic best practices of the best relationship research experts and therapists, and also the wisest husbands and wives for achieving long-lasting-happy committed relationships

• Empowers users to quickly and clearly clarify the source of their pain –their unmet relationship needs—and to take the appropriate actions to improve it

• Empowers the couple with the skills necessary to replace arguing, criticizing, and blaming with conflict resolution skills that build respect and connection

• Empowers couples with ways to have more fun in their relationship without spending money or finding extra time

• Enables couples to work on their relationship any time, from the privacy of their own homes, with complete privacy and confidentiality, and for pennies a day, compared to therapist rates which so few people today can afford.

• Gives the user a way to receive an advance warning (“WakeupCall”) that their partner might leave them for another, in order for the receiver of the warning to be able to try and save his/her marriage before it’s too late.*

• Gives the user a way to get the best expert insights re his/her own unmet needs or those of their partner *

*This is a tool we expect, funding permitting, to add in the very near future.

Benefits to Health Insurers and EAP providers:

• Reduction of healthcare claims
• A valuable EAP offering to sell to corporate clients)
• An exclusive a valuable marketing and PR tool

Benefits to Businesses:

Stressful relationships severely damage the economic health of America. Fortune 50 companies alone lose more than $30 billion every year due to employee distractibility due to committed relationship related concerns. Couplewise therefore helps businesses:

• By reducing relationship stress-related health costs
• By reducing employee distractibility, increases employee efficiency
• By differentiating your company as family friendly
• By filling the benefit gap left by the reduction of behavioral health coverage

Benefits to Therapists:

• Helps prevent backsliding: 50% of those who benefit from professional therapists backslide to square one within 6 months
• Accelerate the therapeutic process, enabling therapists to help more clients
• Helps family therapists to help the couple as well with their own issues, if the couple cannot afford a 2nd therapist


Couplewise.com is a scientifically based, interactive, personalized and scalable web application that empowers couples to build healthier, happier relationships.

Couplewise is based on the best science on long lasting couple relationships, involving over 25,000 couples over 25 years.

Couplewise also taps the wisdom of the best therapists and the wisest couples—couples who’ve successfully gone through the issues you might be struggling with. Right now we have a core group of seven tools in place to revitalize, support and improve your relationship with the most important adult in your life. These tools include:

• Clarify Your Needs – select, rate, share, and dialogue about your core relationship needs and be able to focus on those most predictive of long-lasting happy relationships

• What I Love About My Partner—to help couples get in touch and stay in touch with what first enabled them to deeply attach and love each other

• Motivate My Partner – tap the wisdom of crowds, specifically of other husbands,wives, boyfriends, girlfriends and relationship experts to find the best tactics to motivate your unmotivated partner depending on their situation

• Action Agreements – get help making and keeping agreements to meet each others most unmet needs, also by tapping the wisdom of other men, women, and experts

• Know Each Other – learn what’s most important about each other, what drives, and motivates you and your partner

• Fun & Play – discover creative ways to have more fun, by making everyday activities more entertaining and connection building

• Resolve & Connect (Coming Soon!) – our new interactive multimedia tool that helps couples to practice constructive, empathetic ways to resolve conflict

Evidence that Stable Relationships are Good for Your Health:

A review of 64 studies over the past decade show that the quality of a marriage can directly affect your health.

Studies indicate that being happily married can reduce your risk of heart disease, endocrine and immune problems, as well as lowering the risk for metabolic syndrome for women. Marriage can also increase cancer survival rates. Additional studies show that negative and hostile behaviors during marital conflict discussions can adversely affect health. For further reading, please visit our website.


Couplewise offers the one thing 90% of couples with issues need today—a solution that is both highly effective, easily affordable, and provides the power to revitalize your relationship, right at your finger tips, in the privacy and convenience of your own home.

Couplewise is Unique:

Couplewise is the only web app out there (soon to be mobile with your help via Medstartr) that is diagnostically precise, based on the best science on long-lasting committed marriages, therapeutically robust, customizable, empowering, scalable to millions, and that taps the wisdom of the best therapists, and wisest couples, rather than a one-size fits all approach


Couplewise was built in collaboration with top relationship experts, couple therapists, and users themselves. We have drawn on the best scientific studies, the best cognitive behavioral therapy practices, and upon user feedback itself to create couplewise.com. Here is our proof of concept:

• A survey of our first group of users (more than 70 couples), showed that 79% of them felt Couplewise had improved their marriages (2007)

• Our most recent (late 2012) survey sent to more than 1100 people who signed up for the 4th iteration of Couplewise showed that 94% of users who responded said that Couplewise was improving their relationships
• Still not convinced? Check out our website for testimonials from nationally renown therapists and marriage researchers


We are now ready, with your help, to meet our most important challenge—to apply what we’ve now learned about our users’ behavior and barriers to engage- ment to make couplewise sufficiently engaging for even low to moderately motivated mates so that most couples coming to us will “work and play” with us long enough—at least two months—to significantly improve their couple satisfaction levels.


Couplewise therefore needs your help to accomplish these crucial priorities:

1. Develop a highly innovative and customized user experience that is deeply engaging, interactive, and dynamic to emerging user needs: an experience that makes “working on one’s relationship” feel more like a “couplejourney” of discovery, quests, skill mastery and the accomplishment of key skills feel like “epic wins!” (see graphic below)

This means 5-6 months subsistence salaries for a gifted User Experience Designer, Project Manager and other Gamification talent crucial to achieving our objectives
2. Enable us to become mobile friendly
3. Add an alternative method of conflict resolution for mates resistant to high empathy based methods


Check out the site: https://www.couplewise.com/

Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoupleWise

Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/couplewise

Follow our blog: http://couplewise.wordpress.com/

Follow us on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/company/couplewise


For $ 10 or more

0 Supporter(s)

A 1 month subscription to couplewise.com (Value $14.95) Please note, all subscriptions will be renewed upon the release of our upgraded version.

For $ 20 or more

0 Supporter(s)

FRIEND: For Couples: Get a 2 month subscription (value $30) or 2 one month subscriptions for you and your partner as well as a gift for your friend or parents, or married kid(s)! Please note, all subscriptions will be renewed upon the release of our upgraded version.

For $ 30 or more

1 Supporter(s)

LOVE SUPPORTER: A 3 month subscription for a Couple. Please note, all subscriptions will be renewed upon the release of our upgraded version.

For $ 50 or more

0 Supporter(s)

ULTIMATE VALENTINE'S SPECIAL: 2 YEARLONG MEMBERSHIPS FOR ONLY $49, if you back us by Febuary 28. Get two yearlong memberships (worth $79). Use the 2nd for a couple you love and want to honor!

For $ 60 or more

1 Supporter(s)

LOVE SUPPORTER AND FRIEND: A 6 month subscription, plus our Couplewise T-shirt, or two 3 month subscriptions. Please note, all subscriptions will be renewed upon the release of our upgraded version.

For $ 100 or more

1 Supporter(s)

LITTLE ANGEL: One 50 minute session with Dr. Krane ($100 value) and a 1 YEAR subscription to couplewise.com ($149 value: $249 value in total) Please note, all subscriptions will be renewed upon the release of our upgraded version.

For $ 100 or more

0 Supporter(s)

PIONEER THERAPISTS: 1) Signficant Promotion: Be included in our Pioneer Therapist and Coach network for one year, get an online profile for users on couplewise looking for additional coach or therapist help to select you for in-person or virtual sessions, and 2) receive promo codes to give to four of your client couples for 3 months each as an aftercare tool to prevent backsliding Total Package value over $275

For $ 200 or more

0 Supporter(s)

ANGEL OF LOVE: Two 1 year subscriptions or four 6month subscriptions, 2 "Wise Couple" T-shirts, and 2 one hour coaching counseling sessions. A $475 value; Note: donations are tax deductible.

For $ 250 or more

0 Supporter(s)

ANGEL OF LOVE: 3 ONE YEAR subscriptions (one for you and two for anyone of your choice) and two one-hour coaching sessions from Dr Krane or one of our therapist or coach advisers; PLUS two downloadable copies of Simple Fun for Busy People: 333 Free Ways to Enjoy Your Loved Ones in the Time You Have, by Gary Krane PhD.

For $ 250 or more

0 Supporter(s)

ANGEL THERAPISTS: THERAPISTS or Coaches: The rights to give or sell 6 month subscriptions to Couplewise to 10 of their clients, to help prevent backsliding, as well as a free Extra large LISTING in our virtual Find A Therapist Directory. PLUS, a free ad to attract to assist with business lead generation. $800 value (tax deductible)

For $ 500 or more

0 Supporter(s)

AWESOME ANGEL OF LOVE: Five 1 year subscriptions sessions to give away to friends on their anniversaries or weddings, 5 T shirts, and 3 one hour coaching sessions (for you or loved ones), PLUS four downloadable copies of SimpleFun for Busy People: 333 Free Ways to Enjoy Your Loved Ones in the Time You Have; PLUS free dinner with Dr Gary Krane and one of his top therapist advisers if you are in NYC, or dinner with one of his top therapist advisers if you are in SF Bay area or LA. A total of over $1300 value

For $ 1000 or more

0 Supporter(s)

SUPER ANGEL OF LOVE: Twelve 1 year subscriptions sessions to give away to friends on their anniversaries or weddings, 6 T shirts, and 6 one hour coaching sessions (for you or loved ones). PLUS 8 downloadable copies of SimpleFun for Busy People: 333 Free Ways to Enjoy Your Loved Ones in the Time You Have; PLUS ONE free dinner with Dr Gary Krane and one of his top therapist advisers if you are in NYC, or dinner with one of his top therapist advisers if you are in SF Bay area or LA. A total of over $2300 value

For $ 3000 or more

0 Supporter(s)

SUPER AWESOME ANGEL OF LOVE: Twenty-five 1 year subscriptions (for all of your employees and/or friends in committed relationships), 8 t-shirts, plus we will NAME any one of our tools (your choice) after your or your parents, for a period of one year. This dedication will be clearly visible on the page (and can always be removed if and when the user wishes). For example, our Know Each Other tool's cover page will read: Know Each Other tool, which is one of the most important tools to help couples succeed, will say something like " This tool has been made possible in part by a grant from Sam and Mary Smith of [name of city]"

For $ 5000 or more

0 Supporter(s)

PARTNERS (Therapists, Corporations, Religious organizations, unions, etc): Show the world you care about this problem and want it solved. In return we will do our best to solve it and know we are doing it for you. Here and on our website, in perpetuity, we will list you and your practice as CORPORATE and INSTITUTIONAL SPONSORS with our sincere thanks. We will also give you license to give or sell up to 50 one year subscriptions to your members or employees.

For $ 5000 or more

0 Supporter(s)

SUPER HERO of LOVE: Twenty anniversary one-year subscriptions to give to all one's friends or top employees--the perfect anniversary gift; and one of our couple help tools of your choice, named after you or in honor of yoiur parents in PERPETUITY.

For $ 10000 or more

0 Supporter(s)

PARTNERS: PARTNERS: The first right of refusal for corporate partnership (EAP, Health Insurance providers, Pharma companies) PLUS LICENSE rights to 100 one year subscriptions.

For $ 25000 or more

0 Supporter(s)

PARTNERS: Matching Funds-- we are willing to partner with government agencies, NGOs, non-profits, charities, Pharma Companies, insurance companies, medical device manufacturers, and even employers (EAP programs).

For $ 50000 or more

0 Supporter(s)

PARTNERS: We are willing to offer exclusive licensing for a limited time, PLUS PROVIDE 200 one year subscriptions, plus 20hrs of coaching or counseling from either Dr Krane or one of our therapists advisers in your city, assuming you are in one of the nation's top 20 cities (or it will be provided via skype)

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