About our project

This project is a finalist in the American Heart Association Challenge. To see the rest of the finalists, please visit MedStartr.com/Heart

The Problem we Solve

Education of CPR techniques has been a subjective process since instruction began, it’s time to add some objective validation for the sake of patients, students and instructors. Currently an instructor visually critiques CPR students for their ability to preform CPR this is a subjective process, there needs to be objective metrics to qualify those certified in CPR. As much as 70% of those certified for CPR can not perform the skills needed for CPR (from the AHA CPR Fact Sheet.)

If you are giving CPR, this is what it looks like. Note the display at the top right that keeps track and helps you keep time

In order to optimize chances of survival in sudden cardiac arrest victims, high quality CPR delivery is needed. Save a Life provides an opportunity to investigate using new technologies to optimize care. We help instructors verify CPR competency via Google Glass.

We also built in useful features like help finding your closest AED and calling for help, these features are turned off by default but are part of the customization available in our partner programs. Here is our symbol for AEDs:

How We Solve It:

We Quality Assure(QA) and add objectivity to CPR training by utilizing Glass’s sensors. Save a Life provides objective metrics on compression rate, rhythm and depth. We help CPR instructors teach students through an interactive Glass program that guides and tracks proper technique based on visual and auditory prompts.

How Save a Life Works:

Save a Life works by accessing the wearable sensors (gyroscope/accelerometer) in Google Glass to help students achieve the correct compression rate, rhythm and depth via audio and visual feedback in realtime. Through a web interface the CPR instructor and student can view the CPR skill performance metrics and adjust technique based on observed metrics.

Here is how it works:

1. Via the speaker the student is provided with an audio tune at 100 BPM (Beats Per Minute) to help them keep time as they provide compressions.

2. The display shows the current rate at which the user is providing compressions in a numeric display.

3. The numeric display has a color indicator surrounding it to give the user a peripheral indication of where there current rate, rhythm and depth are: green for good and red for bad.

4. The color indicator is surrounded by a time meter that shows where they are in the two minute cycle along with a clock counter on the right of the display for an exact point in the cycle.

Save a Life is like having a co-pilot to help you navigate CPR and Training is just the beginning. Once installed, it is always there for you just in case you need it when the time comes.

Why is CPR Training and Quality Assurance So Important?

Here are a few quotes from this excellent article on the topic:

“When rescuers compress at a depth of less than 38 mm, survival-to-discharge rates after out-of-hospital arrest are reduced by 30%”

“Similarly, when rescuers compress too slowly, return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) after in-hospital cardiac arrest falls from 72% to 42%.”

_“As a consequence, if chest compressions are too shallow, too slow, or too fast, with leaning and with a lot of interruptions resulting in long pauses, the blood flow to the victim’s brain and heart will be markedly reduced. Since a lot of patients with initial ventricular fibrillation (VF) require repetitive shocks, and more than 60-80% of cardiac arrest patients today present with a non-shockable rhythm, long periods of CPR are frequently required in a resuscitation attempt. Thus, the end result is dependent on the quality of CPR during prolonged resuscitation. Moreover, in the hospital setting, survival is dependent on the time and location of the arrest. Again, human factors play a decisive role in the destiny of cardiac arrest victims; therefore, we should be able to solve this, or at least strive to improve. ..we should be able to solve this, or at least strive to improve!”

We could not agree more and now the means to improve CPR quality is available to all.

Progress to Date

We are in version 3 of the software after working extensively with our fellow CPR Trainers, Cardiologists and eventually with several classes of students. Partnering with an ER training program and the Health Simulator Lab at Indiana University we have refined the software to get it to it’s present ready state. We are pleased to announce that we have pilot projects at two hospital’s in the West Michigan area in the coming months as well. The ER program instructors and beta testing students have both been extremely pleased with the system. The student tell us they have learned faster and gained confidence thanks to the Save a Life System too.

Save a Life (Formerly called CPR Glass) has gone through multiple algorithm refinements to accurately track compression depth, rate and rhythm. CPR Glass was featured by Google in the Computer History Museum as an innovative tool on Google Glass, there have been multiple articles and TV interviews done on CPR Glass including Forbes online. Biomedical personnel at NASA’s Johnson’s Space Command have also tested CPR Glass in low earth orbit for evaluation of sensor performance in low gravity environments such as the ISS.

Another display mode in the software gives a more global view of the situation. On the left is tracking data that you how you are doing. On the right are other activities that are going on.

Save a Life also Helps you locate and Tag the locations of AED (Automatic Electronic Defibrillation devices)

FDA Status

This solution is not subject to FDA approval as the Save a Life platform is for “informational use only” at this point.

Become a partner with us and help us gather the quantitative data needed to show a change in the startling statistic of ineffective CPR performance by certified BLS providers, let’s work together and Save a Life!

How your project will help reduce cardiovascular disease and stroke by 20% by 2020

Save a Life will impact cardiovascular disease rates by improving survivability in patients suffering sudden cardiac arrest events by increasing the quality of CPR delivered. While our initial release is designed as a training tool, our next iterations will include guides and assistants that can respond and aid in CPR related emergencies.

How We Help Patients

By helping individuals practice and learn the correct way to perform CPR we hope to help patients by educating CPR providers in high quality CPR techniques thereby increasing survivability of patients in emergency situations. Proper education is key in helping those suffering from cardiovascular disease and other heart conditions obtain and maintain quality of life, this includes ensuring the proper care is delivered in emergency situations.

If you support this project, you can get not only the joy of helping an important mission but we have some nifty rewards for you too!

Show your Pride with the Save a Life Decal

Wear your Pride with the neat Save a Life lid

Carry your pride with the awesome Save a Life Bag

Carry even more of your pride with an even more awesome Save a Life backpack

Thank you for your support!

How We Help Doctors and CPR Instructors

First and foremost, by providing better training to the next generation of CPR providers, our invention will help Physicians and care teams by making saving lives easier.

But what about care providers who need to use CPR? We know you don’t use it very often so the rhythms may be a little faster or slower than ideal and this can make a huge difference when everyone is counting on you. So when they are counting on you, wouldn’t it be great to have an App that you can count on – literally, we mean one that counts for you and keeps you on track – like a metronome for CPR. You can use the existing training program for a refresher course, but we have a better idea we think you will love, but we can’t do it yet without your help.

We know our training software is great but not everyone has Google Glass. We want to take what we have learned about what works in training and make an App(Android, iOS and wearable platforms Android Wear/Apple Watch/MYO) that can help anyone trained in CPR stay in rhythm so the next time you need it, right after you yell for someone to call 911, you can tell your phone to “Open the Save-a-Life App!”

We do need a sponsor for this project so if this sounds like something you want or would use, please support that reward and we will name you specifically in the credits. Sponsor the whole thing and we will name it after you as in the “John Q Doctor Save-a-Life Rescue App”. This will be a wearable connected app for pairing with Android Wear and Apple Watch devices. Pretty sweet!

How We Help Hospitals, Institutions, and/ or Medical Facilities:

Hospital and Institutional Trainers, let us help you objectively measure the performance of your staff being trained via student report cards that include metrics for compression rate, rhythm and depth. Use our Save a Life Glassware to QA and drive the best performance of CPR when needed by letting them practice with real time feedback on their skills in a fun and innovative platform that utilizes multiple senses (auditory, visual and tactile.) You also will increase staff satisfaction by empowering them as Save a Life Glassware users, increasing their confidence in their CPR skill performance.

How We Help Our Partners

We will assist you in setting up your own customized training program with Save a Life Glassware, including remote and onsite training. We also offer a unique opportunity to map your facility AED/CRASH CART locations for connection to Save a Life Glassware training as well. We are also open to integrating or building along your creative lines, so email us and let’s set up a special program for you or take the CUSTOM PARTNER reward at the right and let’s start a great conversation. Email Chris here

How We Will Spend Your Contributions:

All contributions beyond funds required to pay for rewards costs will go toward integrating current Glass application with a web based interface for CPR instructors to login to. Allowing monitoring of student’s progression thru CPR training while providing an individualized report card for each student to either email, print or save to pdf verifying objectively the student’s performance and competency for administering CPR.

Who We Are:


Chief Medical Officer / CEO Dr Frank Duncan, Director of Emergency Services, Mercy Hospital, Muskegon MI – Linkedin

COO – Brian Toppen, RPHLinkedin

Clinical Consultant – John Foss, PA-C – Linkedin

CTO / Engineering Lead – Chris Vukin, ADN, technical design and systems integration. – Linkedin

How to Find Us:

Twitter: @evermedgroup

Google+: Here
Company Name: evermed, llc
Project by: Chris Vukin Associate Degree Nursing,
Company Location: Howard City, Michigan
Company Site: www.evermedresearch.org

Email Chris here

Thank You

Thank you for taking the time to read about the vision of Save a Life, we strive everyday to help make a positive impact on healthcare and Save a Life. If you share a like mind in working towards improving healthcare delivery and consumption please share our story and vision with your friends and colleagues, even if you personally are not in a position to take advantage of the various rewards the simple act of sharing a link can be the difference that will Save a Life.

Sincerely Yours,
The evermed team: Frank, Brian, John and Chris.


For $ 10 or more

1 Supporter(s)

FOR PARTNERS, ADVISERS OR INVESTORS: BUY US A CUP OF COFFEE and we will come to you anywhere local to any of our founders (Michigan and Indiana) to demo the product of talk about the project and our plans on a deeper level and see how we can help each other out. For non-local meetings, please See the FLY US version above.

For $ 20 or more

3 Supporter(s)

LEARN CPR QUICKER, Get the STICKER: Show your support for objectively verified CPR certification by displaying the Save a Life decal in your home, car or other heartfelt space. Also includes one beta download of the Glass or smartphone app when available for informational use only. We will list you here and on our website as a founding sponsor of life saving wearable applications for a better tomorrow, THANK YOU!!!

For $ 35 or more

0 Supporter(s)

SUPPORT THE APP, Get the CAP Show your support for the Save a Life effort with a custom cap! We will list you here and on our website as a founding sponsor of life saving wearable applications for a better tomorrow, THANK YOU!!! Also comes with 1 free download of our Glass or hopefully our iOS/Apple Watch or Android/Android Wear when available

For $ 60 or more

0 Supporter(s)

TRY THE BETA, Get the BAG: Ready to practice your CPR skills with your own copy of the Save a Life Glassware? Show your support of the Save a Life Glassware platform with a private version of Save a Life, this is an app for instructional/educational use on your personal Glass device. (Glass not included) In addition choose one of two different Save a Life bags, perfect for carrying your Glass device and other daily items. We will list you here and on our website as a founding sponsor of life saving wearable applications for a better tomorrow, THANK YOU!!!! Also comes with 1 free download of our Glass or hopefully our iOS/Apple Watch or Android/Android Wear App when available.

For $ 75 or more

1 Supporter(s)

STUDENT ACCOUNT BONUS PACK: Add an additional 12 student accounts to your CPR TRAINING PACK.

For $ 100 or more

1 Supporter(s)

CPR TRAINING 12 PACK: Instructors, monitor your student’s performance of CPR skills (compression rate, rhythm and depth), assess via web interface and print, email or download individual student performance metrics to accompany their CPR certificate. Objectively verify student performance of CPR. Great tool to market yourself and set your training apart from the crowd. This package includes a one(1) year subscription for one (1) CPR instructor to the web interface connected Save a Life Glassware (Glass not included) for your professional use and 12 student accounts a year. Additional student accounts are available, see below for details. You will also receive a Save a Life instructor decal to display at your business and a logo to attach to your website certifying you as Save a Life enhanced CPR Instructor, along with being noted here and on our website as a PIONEER SPONSOR of life saving wearable applications for a better tomorrow, THANK YOU!!!

For $ 200 or more

1 Supporter(s)

CPR TRAINING 25 PACK: Instructors: monitor your student’s performance of CPR skills (compression rate, rhythm and depth), assess via web interface and print, email or download individual student performance metrics to accompany their CPR certificate. Objectively verify student performance of CPR. Great tool to market yourself and set your training apart from the crowd. This package includes a one (1) year subscription for one (1) CPR instructor to the web interface connected Save a Life Glassware (Glass not included) for your professional use and 25 student accounts a year. Additional student accounts are available, see below for details. You will also receive a Save a Life instructor decal to display at your business and a logo to attach to your website certifying you as Save a Life enhanced CPR Instructor, along with being noted here and on our website as a PIONEER SPONSOR of life saving wearable applications for a better tomorrow, THANK YOU!!!

For $ 250 or more

0 Supporter(s)

FOR PARTNERS, ADVISERS OR INVESTORS: FLY US A CUP OF COFFEE and we will come to you anywhere in the continental United States to demo the product and talk about the project and our plans on a deeper level to see how we can help each other out. For local meetings, please See the BUY US version above.

For $ 400 or more

0 Supporter(s)

CPR TRAINING 50 PACK: Instructors: monitor your student’s performance of CPR skills (compression rate, rhythm and depth), assess via web interface and print, email or download individual student performance metrics to accompany their CPR certificate. Objectively verify student performance of CPR. Great tool to market yourself and set your training apart from the crowd. This package includes a one (1) year subscription for TWO (2) CPR instructors to the web interface connected Save a Life Glassware (Glass not included) for your professional use and 50 student accounts a year. Additional student accounts are available, see below for details. You will also receive a Save a Life instructor decal, cap and bag and a logo to attach to your website certifying you as Save a Life enhanced CPR Instructor, along with being noted here and on our website as a PIONEER SPONSOR of life saving wearable applications for a better tomorrow, THANK YOU!!!

For $ 750 or more

0 Supporter(s)

CPR TRAINING 100 PACK: Instructors: monitor your student’s performance of CPR skills (compression rate, rhythm and depth), assess via web interface and print, email or download individual student performance metrics to accompany their CPR certificate. Objectively verify student performance of CPR. Great tool to market yourself and set your training apart from the crowd. This package includes a one (1) year subscription for three (3) CPR instructors to the web interface connected Save a Life Glassware (Glass not included) for your professional use and 100 student accounts a year. Additional student accounts are available, see below for details. You will also receive a Save a Life instructor decal, 3 caps and 3 bags and a logo to attach to your website certifying you as Save a Life enhanced CPR Instructor, along with being noted here and on our website as a PIONEER SPONSOR of life saving wearable applications for a better tomorrow, THANK YOU!!!

For $ 850 or more

0 Supporter(s)

CPR TRAINING 12 PACK with One(1) GOOGLE GLASS device: Instructors, monitor your student’s performance of CPR skills (compression rate, rhythm and depth), assess via web interface and print, email or download individual student performance metrics to accompany their CPR certificate. Objectively verify student performance of CPR. Great tool to market yourself and set your training apart from the crowd. This package includes a one(1) year subscription for one (1) CPR instructor to the web interface connected Save a Life Glassware (Glass included!!!) for your professional use and 12 student accounts a year. Additional student accounts are available, see below for details. You will also receive a Save a Life instructor decal to display at your business and a logo to attach to your website certifying you as Save a Life enhanced CPR Instructor, along with being noted here and on our website as a PIONEER SPONSOR of life saving wearable applications for a better tomorrow, THANK YOU!!!

For $ 1000 or more

0 Supporter(s)

SUPPORT THE APPs - As discussed at the left, we know that not everyone can afford to wear Google Glass so we have on our product roadmap the development of smartphone and smartwatch versions that help train and perform CPR in real emergency situations or whenever someone needs a refresher course or just to get in the right rhythm. Help support s getting this done sooner rather than later and get your name in the credits as a Save-a-Life Co-Pilot SPONSOR in the app, here, and on our website. Help us help millions of doctors, paramedics, firefighters, police officers, lifeguards, and trained members of the community do CPR better and save more lives. Thank you for your support.

For $ 1400 or more

0 Supporter(s)

CPR TRAINING 200 PACK: Instructors: monitor your student’s performance of CPR skills (compression rate, rhythm and depth), assess via web interface and print, email or download individual student performance metrics to accompany their CPR certificate. Objectively verify student performance of CPR. Great tool to market yourself and set your training apart from the crowd. This package includes a one (1) year subscription for Five (5) CPR instructors to the web interface connected Save a Life Glassware (Glass not included) for your professional use and 200 student accounts a year. Additional student accounts are available, see below for details. You will also receive a Save a Life instructor decal, 3 caps and 3 bags and a logo to attach to your website certifying you as Save a Life enhanced CPR Instructor, along with being noted here and on our website as a PIONEER SPONSOR of life saving wearable applications for a better tomorrow, THANK YOU!!!

For $ 1500 or more

0 Supporter(s)

TRAIN THE SAVE A LIFE TRAINER: enjoy a 1 day on-site training session with our clinical and technical team for upto ten(10) instructors we will bring a Save a Life cap and bag for each instructor as well!. Along with eight(8) one hour remote follow sessions for supporting your staff provide high quality CPR instruction with objective metric verification

For $ 1800 or more

0 Supporter(s) Limited (1 left of 1 )

CPR TRAINING 25 PACK with Two(2) GOOGLE GLASS devices: Instructors: monitor your student’s performance of CPR skills (compression rate, rhythm and depth), assess via web interface and print, email or download individual student performance metrics to accompany their CPR certificate. Objectively verify student performance of CPR. Great tool to market yourself and set your training apart from the crowd. This package includes a one (1) year subscription for one (1) CPR instructor to the web interface connected Save a Life Glassware (2 Glass units included!!) for your professional use and 25 student accounts a year. Additional student accounts are available, see below for details. You will also receive a Save a Life instructor decal to display at your business and a logo to attach to your website certifying you as Save a Life enhanced CPR Instructor, along with being noted here and on our website as a PIONEER SPONSOR of life saving wearable applications for a better tomorrow, THANK YOU!!!

For $ 3250 or more

0 Supporter(s)

CPR TRAINING 500 PACK: Instructors: monitor your student’s performance of CPR skills (compression rate, rhythm and depth), assess via web interface and print, email or download individual student performance metrics to accompany their CPR certificate. Objectively verify student performance of CPR. Great tool to market yourself and set your training apart from the crowd. This package includes a one (1) year subscription for Ten (10) CPR instructors to the web interface connected Save a Life Glassware (Glass not included) for your professional use and 500 student accounts a year. Additional student accounts are available, see below for details. You will also receive a dozen Save a Life instructor decals, 10 caps, 10 bags and a logo to attach to your website certifying you as Save a Life enhanced CPR Instructor, along with being noted here and on our website as a PIONEER SPONSOR of life saving wearable applications for a better tomorrow, THANK YOU!!!

For $ 6000 or more

0 Supporter(s)

CPR TRAINING 1100 PACK: Are you a big CPR Training center? Then this is the package for you. All the benefits of the above PLUS a live train the trainer training session from our team and three webinar trainings too. We can even give you a custom landing page for your students. This package includes a one (1) year subscription for Twenty (20) CPR instructors to the web interface connected Save a Life Glassware (Glass not included) for your professional use and 1,000 annual student accounts. You will also receive a box of Save a Life instructor decals, 20 caps, 20 bags and a logo to attach to your website certifying you as Save a Life enhanced CPR Instructor, along with being noted here and on our website as a PIONEER BIG SAVE Save a Life SPONSOR of life saving wearable applications for a better tomorrow. Last but not least, you will get access for three Train the Save-a-Life Trainer seminars and potentially three Trainer Certifications, if your trainers pass the test.

For $ 7500 or more

0 Supporter(s) Limited (1 left of 1 )

NAME the Android and connected Android Wear(smartwatch) APP + Glassware with Two (2) Google Glass devices included!! - that's right, we will let you put your name or brand on the Android version of our co-pilot Save-a-Life App in the Marketplace. This is a companion built on the training and coaching logic that will help millions do CPR better. Be a part of that solution and get branding rights too!

For $ 8000 or more

0 Supporter(s)

NAME the iOS and Apple Watch APP - that's right, we will let you put your name or brand on our Apple iOS version of our co-pilot Save-a-Life App in the App Store. This is a companion built on the training and coaching logic that will help millions do CPR better. Be a part of that solution and get branding rights too!

For $ 10000 or more

0 Supporter(s)

CPR TRAINING 2000 PACK++: For the Regional or national CPR Training Program: All the beenfits of the above PLUS a live train the trainer training session from our team and three webinar trainings too. You also get the Custom Branding and landing page for your students. This package includes a one (1) year subscription for thirty (30) CPR instructors to the web interface connected Save a Life Glassware (Glass not included) for your professional use and 2,000 annual student accounts. You will also receive a box of Save a Life instructor decals, 30 caps, 30 bags and a logo to attach to your website certifying you as Save a Life enhanced CPR Instructor, along with being noted here and on our website as a PIONEER HUGE SAVE Save a Life SPONSOR of life saving wearable applications for a better tomorrow. Last but not least, we will come to you to hold a Train the Save-a-Life Trainer workshop for as many attendees as you like.

For $ 200000 or more

0 Supporter(s)

CPR Training 2500 Pack + AED MAPPING (Includes 10 Google Glass devices) ++ For the Regional or National level Emergency Medicine program or university medical center. All the benefits included in the 2000 pack PLUS Mapping of all the AEDs and Crash Carts in your facilities in our database. Combined with Google Glass and our software (both the Android + Android Wear(smartwatch) and iOS + Apple Watch), this will make all your workers more aware in an emergency than previously possible. You can also use the system to send emergency messages to all your staff. We will also list you as an Institutional Sponsor on our site and here in perpetuity. Thank you for your interest and support.

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